Mayfair High School

Mayfair High School is a high school and middle school in the Bellflower Unified School District in the city of Lakewood, California. The school first opened in 1959. The student population is approximately 3616 in grades 7 through 12. Mayfair serves students in the cities of Lakewood, Bellflower, Cerritos, as well as other surrounding cities though the students not from Cerritos, Bellflower, or Lakewood usually need special waivers to attend.

School info

The school mascot is the "Monsoons" and the logo is a vortex. School colors are white, blue, and grey. The school newspaper is called The Windjammer and the yearbook Tradewinds.


The student population racial makeup in 2004 was 17.7% African-American, 0.3% American Indian or Alaskan Native, 5.0% Asian, 31.2% Hispanic or Latino, 1.4% Pacific Islander, 37.1% White and %2.5 Multiple or No Response. The student population is approximately 3700+ in grades 7 through 12. Mayfair serves students in the cities of Lakewood, Bellflower, and Cerritos.


Mayfair is recognized as a California Distinguished School, the highest award a California high school can obtain. In 2001, Mayfair received the Golden Bell award from the California School Board Association for their Academy of Animation and Digital Art Program.


Mayfair High School athletic teams participate in the Southern Section of CIF in the Suburban League with La Mirada, Norwalk, and Bellflower. The Monsoon athletic teams continue to be seen as dominant force within the Suburban League.

Notable alumni