Mauricio Bailón González

Mauricio Bailón González is a Consultant in International Affairs with Public and Private experience. He has worked in Televisa for 10 years in Televisa Internacional and previously had a career in the Mexican Government Border Consulate Heath Meeting 2005.
His professional experience includes: Coordinator of Advisors to the Undersecretary of Planning, SSA, from 1995 to 1996; Assistant Professor in the Evaluation of Investment Projects Course at the Harvard Institute for International Development from 1997 to 1998; Advisor to the Secretary of Health and Social Security Projects, SSA, from 1998 to 2000; General Director in Mexico of Health Latin America from 2000 to January 2001; General Directorate of Financial Protection in Health, SSA, from 2001 to 2004; and General Director of Financing of the Popular Insurance Program, Secretariat of Health from January to March 2004.