Mauga Palepoi

Mauga Palepoi was an American Samoan chief and politician. He served as a member of the Senate


Palepoi succeeded Mauga Moimoi as a high chief, and served as a District Governor.
In 1924 he was convicted of assault and battery. This was followed by a conviction for illegal possession of alcohol in 1946, and a conviction for smuggling alcohol in 1952. Following his third conviction, a petition was presented to the High Court requesting that his chiefly title be revoked. However, the petition was rejected as fewer than 75% of adult family members had signed it. A previous petition had been rejected in 1945 due to a lack of evidence of misconduct. He was pardoned for his smuggling conviction by the Governor in 1954, allowing him to be reinstated as a chief of Maoputasi.
Palepoi became a Senator for Maoputasi County, serving until his death in Pago Pago on 7 February 1963.
His grandson Malaetasi Togafau later served as Attorney General of American Samoa.