Matt Tolentino

Matt Tolentino is a musician and bandleader specializing in the live performance and preservation of pre-swing music, with a focus on American popular songs from 1895 to 1935. Originally from Dallas, Texas, he is the leader of a four-piece ensemble called The Matt Tolentino Band, leader of a seven-piece polka band called The Royal Klobasneks, and most notably leader of a full eighteen-piece orchestra called The Singapore Slingers, which has been named the "Best Pre-Swing Jazz Orchestra" and the "coolest, quirkiest, retro jazz group" in Dallas.
Tolentino's fascination with jazz-age music began at age 8, when a neighbor gave him a cassette tape recording of the Coffee Club Orchestra. He began his musical venture at 11, when he picked up the clarinet to play in the band at Stonewall Jackson Elementary. He played clarinet exclusively until he entered his sophomore year of high school, when he branched out and added saxophone, tuba and accordion. By age 16, his devotion to music was such that he asked his parents to help him buy a used accordion instead of a used car. Much of high school was spent playing polka gigs in restaurants and playing with the school jazz band. He graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in 2003. A musical autodidact, Tolentino sings lead vocals and plays many instruments, including accordion, clarinet, tuba, bass saxophone, ukulele, banjo, piano, and vibraphone.


In early 2014, Tolentino was profiled in connection with his brainchild annual Jazz Age Sunday Social concert event at Dallas Heritage Village. A photo spread of his home and its period decor was also featured.
In late 2014, Tolentino was recognized by the Dallas Observer as number 42 among the 100 most creative people in Dallas.
