Mats Wendt

Mats Wendt is a Swedish classical composer and artist. His best known work internationally is Eddan - the invincible sword of the elf-smith, a 16-hour-long "cybersymphonic" work on Norse mythology according to Viktor Rydberg. Five hours from Eddan was performed in Bayreuth 2003 during the annual Wagner festspiele, in Wahnfried, Wagner's former home, now the Richard Wagner museum.
Wendt is also the originator of "cybersymphony", a concept for transferring the symphony orchestra to computers and by this create a super instrument that is independent of development of hard and software.


The concept of Cybersymphony was created by Wendt in 1993 to build a foundation for symphonic music created by computers and synthesizers.
The "instrument" used to perform a cybersymphony consists of two things: the cybersymphonic law that defines what the instrument is, and any synthesizer that meets the requirements. This means that, in the absence of a physical instrument, a consistently defined sound is available.
The Cybersymphonic Law summarised: