Matan Women's Institute for Torah Studies

The Matan Women's Institute for Torah Studies, established in 1988, pioneered the teaching of Talmud and other rabbinic literature to women in Israel.
"Matan" abbreviates the Hebrew מכון תורני לנשים, Machon Torani l’Nashim, i.e. "Torah Institute for Women".
It offers numerous classes, a year-long bet midrash program, as well as the following certification programs:
Matan's founder, leader, and first teacher was Malke Bina, who had studied at the Michlala Jerusalem College for Women and the Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University.
With its Modern Orthodox approach, Matan's Council of Rabbis was headed by Aharon Lichtenstein;
its faculty includes Rachelle Sprecher Fraenkel and Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg.
In 2012, Matan held the first siyyum for women who had completed the Daf Yomi 7-year cycle of Talmud study. Fifteen women were honored;
”the first in the history of the Jewish people."