Massimiliano Caroletti

Massimiliano Caroletti is an Italian producer, manager, entrepreneur, talent scout, actor and television personality. He is also a marketing consultant and developer of social media.


Massimiliano Caroletti is a producer of films, sit-coms, television program, singles, music videos, calendars and others. Massimiliano is also an actor, television personality, manager, entrepreneur and talent scout. He is owner of agencies in the entertainment, television and music sector, for example his "Barnum Agency" is an agency management celebrities, show music and tv. Massimiliano Caroletti is also a marketing consultant and developer of social media, for example in Egypt he works for "Sunrise Resorts and Cruises".
His debut is in 2002 as actor, as Ancient Roman, in a spot advertising for a car. After he have 14 flms as actor and 6 as producer.
His first film as actor with lead role is Fallo! directed by Tinto Brass in 2003.
In 2005 Massimiliano Caroletti, with his film Taxi Lovers, where he is producer and actor in lead role, was awarded with "Casbot best producer" to ":it:Busto Arsizio Film Festival|BAFF " and at "Fregene per Fellini" - "Premio al cinema italiano"; with this film participated to David di Donatello and Magna Graecia Film Festival.
In this year he received 15 awards of Italian criticism and foreign criticism.
In 2006 he is actor of film Nemici per la pelle directed by Rossella Drudi.
In 2007 Massimiliano Caroletti is executive producer of Le avventure di Diabetik, sit-com directed by Andres Alce Meldonado. In this year, with his wife Éva Henger, he won the award "Celebrity Golf Cup". In 2007 he a jury member of "Una ragazza per il cinema", a beauty pageant.
From 2008 Massimiliano Caroletti is owner of S.S.D. Calcio San Donà, an Italian association football.
In 2008, his film Torno a vivere da solo, where he's producer and actor, participated to ":it:Monte-Carlo Film Festival de la Comédie|Monte-Carlo Film Festival de la Comédie" in Monaco and David di Donatello in Italy.
In 2008 he is actor and executive producer of film Bastardi directed by Federico Del Zoppo and Andres Alce Meldonado. In this year is producer and author of a calendar 2009 of his wife Éva Henger.
In 2009 he is a contestant of television program Dimmi la verità broadcast by Rai 1 and hosted by Caterina Balivo. In this year is jury vice president of "Una ragazza per il cinema", a beauty pageant.
In 2011 he is producer of television series Roma nuda directed by Giuseppe Ferrara, and co-producer of single Parole parole by Éva Henger and Dr. Feelx.
Since 2012 he takes part at Domenica Live, television program broadcast by Canale 5 and hosted by Barbara d'Urso.
From 2012 to 2013 Massimiliano Caroletti, for all three seasons, is the producer of :it:Pescati dalla rete|Pescati dalla rete, television program broadcast by :it:Vero |Vero and hosted by his wife Éva Henger.
From 2013 to 2014 he is director marketing of Szombathelyi Haladás, Hungarian football club.
Between his many artists, he is manager of Mercédesz and Vivien Kőhalmi that in beauty pageant "The Best Model of Europe" 2014, in Barcelona, Spain, they are classified second and third.
From 2015 to 2016 Massimiliano Caroletti is general manager of FC Tatabánya, Hungarian football club.
In 2016 he is general manager of S.S. Lazio Women, Italian women's football team representing professional male football club S.S. Lazio's female's section.
In 2017 he won "Vip Champion Tennis singles" and won, with Éva Henger, "Vip Champion Tennis doubles", Vip Champions are broadcast by 361tv.
From 2017 to 2018 Massimiliano Caroletti is artistic director of project live Gli americani a Roma siamo noi, and he takes part at Casa Signorini, program broadcast by 361tv and hosted by Alfonso Signorini.
In 2017 he is manager of KFC Komárno, a Slovak football team.
In 2018 he is executive producer of Boomerang single by Btsound Vs Mercédesz Henger which peaked at number 7 of iTunes.
In 2019 in Egypt, at Sharm El Sheikh, Massimiliano Caroletti in a jury member for "Miss Domina", a beauty pageant.

Personal life

Massimiliano Caroletti is romantically linked from 2005 with Éva Henger; they married on 14 April 2013 in Rome. The couple has a daughter: Jennifer Caroletti born on 12 April 2009 in Rome.

Awards and nominations


; Golf

Actor (main)

Producer (main)

Producer (main)

Single (main)

List of the main music videos on YouTube and other platforms.