Masilamaniswara Temple, Thiruvaduthurai

Masilamaniswara Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Hindu god Shiva, located in the village Thiruvaduthurai, located 22 km from the South Indian town, Kumbakonam and 14 km from Mayiladuthurai, Tamil Nadu. It is one of the shrines of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams. The temple is referred to in the verses of Tevaram, the 7th century Tamil Saiva canon by Tirugnana Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar.


Legend associates the temple with the saivite saint Tirumular. Tirumular saw a herd of cows lamenting the death of their herdsmen named Moolan. Being a siddha, he entered into the body of Moolan, came back alive to serve as the herdsman. It is believed that he was coming from North to South India to meet sage Agastya. When he went back to the place where he left his original body, he did not find it. Considering it as a divine play, he continued to remain in the body of Moolan for the rest of his life.
As per another legend, Parvathi was cursed to become a cow and she worshipped Shiva to attain her original form. The legend is closely associated with this temple, but is also associated with other temples like Thenupuriswarar Temple at Patteswaram, Aavoor Pasupatheeswaram and Tirukogarnam near Pudukkottai.

The temple

The temple is located 12 km away from Mayiladuthurai and 24 km away from Kumbakonam. The temple has a five tiered Rajagopuram with elevated stone walls separating the second, third and fourth precinct. The images of the presiding deity, Masilamaniswarar, in the form of Shiva lingam occupies the main sanctum facing east. The shrine of the consort of Masilamaniswarar, Oppilamulaiyar faces west. The third prakaram has a separate shrine for the saivite saint Tirumular. The temple has three water bodies located at various places inside the temple. The Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam is located in the premises outside the fourth precinct.

Literary references

The temple is revered in the verses of Tevaram, the 7th century Saivite canonical work by the three saint poets, namely, Appar, Sambandar and Sundarar. The temple is reverred by Sambandar in the third Tirumurai in one verse, Appar in five and Sundarar in two verses.
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