Mary Shelley's Frankenhole

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole is an American adult stop-motion animated television series created by Dino Stamatopoulos. The series premiered on June 27, 2010 on Cartoon Network's late night programming block Adult Swim. It ended on March 25, 2012, with a total of 20 episodes, over the course of 2 seasons.


has completely mastered immortality and has now also created an infinite number of Einstein–Rosen Bridges or "Frankenholes" between Somewhere in Eastern Europe and every time period from the past and the future. This allows historical figures and celebrities seeking the doctor's services to find him. Although many classic horror monsters are present, the series' main focus is Dr. Frankenstein and his family. Creator Dino Stamatopoulos says "regular human beings are the monsters."
Besides Dr. Frankenstein himself, other characters from Frankenstein appear.


Season 1 (2010)

Episodes in the first season were requested to air out of order by the series creator, Dino Stamatopolous, following the show's theme that all time takes place at once and is meaningless.

Season 2 (2012)

Season two episodes are titled in commemoration of famous writers and poets of classic science fiction.

Home release

Every episode, with the exception of "Mother To Be-Sa", is available for digital purchase on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Video and Microsoft.