Mary Elmer Lake

Mary Elmer Lake is a reservoir on the Cohansey River in Cumberland County, New Jersey, used for water-supply and recreation purposes.


The lake is located in the park system of the city of Bridgeton, New Jersey, and is owned by the city. At normal levels it has a surface area of.
Mary Elmer Lake Dam is of earthen construction, a gravity dam, with a height of and a length of. Maximum discharge is per second. Normal storage is. It drains an area of. The lake is fed by Barret's Run, and the lake's water empties via a small stream into nearby Sunset Lake and thence into the Cohansey River.


Mary Elmer Lake was originally known as Ireland's Mill Pond. Construction of the dam was completed in 1924 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The name was later changed to Mary Elmer Lake.