Marxist-Leninist Party (Communist Reconstruction)

Marxist-Leninist Party is a Marxist-Leninist and Hoxhaist political party operating in Spain, officially registered since 2014. Currently the party has a presence in the Basque Country, Majorca, Valencia, Catalonia, Andalusia, Galicia and Madrid.


RC was created by ex-members of the Communist Party of Spain and of the Communist Youth Union of Spain who were dropped out their respective parties due to discipline problems revisionist political line of both organizations.
The party has strong ties with the Turkish party MLKP thanks to having joined the ICOR, and defends the Rojava Revolution and the Kurdish movement. Two members of the party have joined the International Freedom Battalion in Rojava and Sinjar. In July 2015 these two members of RC were arrested due to their involvement in the war against ISIS.
The 27th of January 8 members of the party and a Kurdish citizen were arrested by the Spanish police for supposedly collaborating with the PKK. Seven were later released, but two members, including the secretary general of the party Roberto Vaquero, were jailed. The 29 of January 2016 all the headquarters of the party were closed down by an order of the Audiencia Nacional and the party was "suspended for one year", which in practice means that RC is now banned.