Mars Red

Mars Red is an upcoming Japanese anime television series produced by Signal.MD. It is based on a stage reading play written by Bun-O Fujisawa. The series is scheduled to premiere in 2021.


Mars Red takes place in 1923, and vampires have existed for quite a while. But now, the number of vampires is increasing and a mysterious, artificial blood source called Ascra has appeared. The Japanese government, in turn, creates “Code Zero,” a unit within the army tasked with taking down the vampiric forces. And what better way to track vampires than by using vampires? Created by Lieutenant General Nakajima, this unit has historically been in the business of information war, but has been reassigned to solve the vampire crisis. It is up to Code Zero and the S-class vampire Deffrot to investigate this increase and put a stop to it before society crumbles.


;Yoshinobu Maeda
;Shutaro Kurusu
;Tokuichi Yamagami
;Sonosuke Nakajima
;Aoi Shirase
;Shinnosuke Tenmaya
;Rufus Glenn



On February 6, 2020, Yomiuri-TV Enterprise LTD announced their 50th Anniversary project, a new anime television series directed by Kouhei Hatano to be co-produce with Funimation. The series will be animated by Signal.MD, with Junichi Fujisaku writing the script, Yukari Takeuchi adapting the character designs originally by Kemuri Karakara, and Toshiyuki Muranaka composing the series' music. It will premiere in 2021.


A manga adaption of the reading play by Kemuri Karakara was announced to run in Monthly Comic Garden from January 4, 2020.