Week 1 | Entrances |
- On Day 1, Chloe, Kieran, Simon, Jade, Joel, Cristian, Harriet, Jack, Amy & Sally, Adjoa, Nick, Danny, Sarah, Aaron, and Eileen entered the House.
Week 1 | Twists | On Day 1, shortly after all the Housemates entered the House, the public were able to vote in a poll on the Big Brother app who they wanted to face the first Timebomb twist. They selected Adjoa, Jack, Jade, Nick and Simon. They were then asked to randomly stand behind a Timebomb each in the garden, with every Timebomb holding different fates for the Housemates. Jack won three immunity passes to use at any time during the series; Nick was forced to nominate face-to-face during every week of nominations; Jade won a personal luxury shopping budget; Adjoa received nothing; and Simon was evicted immediately.On Day 4, after a public poll on the Big Brother app, Jack was told he had been voted the winner of the series. As his prize, he was offered a BMW car worth £27,000 in exchange for his place in the House. In addition, if he took the car, the overall prize fund would disappear. He decided to stay in the House. Shortly afterwards, Nick was asked to make his first face-to-face nominations live. |
Week 1 | Tasks | On Day 2, the Housemates were split into two teams, Girls vs Boys and were asked questions by Big Brother about their fellow Housemates. To win the task, they had to correctly match the Housemates with the correct clues, and they then had to explain their answers. As both teams finished with the same score, they both received rewards.On Day 3, the Housemates participated in their first shopping task. They were given four activities, and were required to endure each of them for the longest time, with the target being to collectively spend an hour performing the tasks overall. They passed, and thus won a luxury shopping budget. |
Week 1 | Exits | On Day 1, Simon became the first Housemate to be evicted as the result of a twist. |
Week 2 | Tasks | On Day 5, Eileen was set a secret mission to convince the Housemates she is feeling a particular emotion instructed by Big Brother, and tell them a back story that justifies the emotion. As she successfully passed the task, the Housemates won a party.On Day 8, Housemates were set their second shopping task, "In the Dark". The Housemates each had to endure several different challenges whilst in the dark in order to pass the task. As part of the task, Danny, Eileen and Sally had to lie in bath tubs and attempt to guess what was falling on them, Cristian and Harriet had to transfer balls across a balance beam whilst avoiding swinging pendulums, and Chloe was given the secret mission of sabotaging the shopping task. She chose Aaron, Adjoa, Jack, Jade, Joel and Nick to spend a night with her in "the hole". Chloe's role as the "Dark Lord" was to ensure that at least three Housemates quit the task and returned to the Main House before sunrise. Only Jack managed to leave, and thus the Housemates failed the task and received basic rations.On Day 10, the Housemates participated in a debate task. Big Brother deemed Aaron, Cristian, Harriet, Jack, Jade, Kieran, & Sarah the winners and they were treated to a dinner. |
Week 2 | Punishments | On Day 5, as punishment for discussing nominations, Nick was told that instead of attending a party won in a task, he would become a waiter attending the Housemate's every need.On Day 11, Amy & Sally received a formal warning, following dangerous drunken behaviour, which included intentionally throwing a cup. |
Week 2 | Exits | On Day 11, Adjoa became the second Housemate to be evicted. |
Week 3 | Entrances | On Day 18, Harry Amelia, Marc and Sam entered the House. Simon then re-entered the House after a twist. |
Week 3 | Twists | On Day 11, shortly after Adjoa's eviction, Jade was asked to form a "Luxury Clique," as a result of the Timebomb that she opened on Day 1. Members of the Luxury Clique would receive large meals, access to hot water, exclusive access to the pool and Sky Room, and use of hair appliances. She chose Nick and Aaron to join her. On Day 12, she chose Joel to join the Clique, as well as Harriet, Jack and Sarah who joined through winning a task. Chloe, Cristian and Kieran joined on Day 14 by winning a task, and on Day 15, the Luxury Clique was dissolved.Unbeknownst to the Housemates, this week's nominations were reversed and this week's eviction was a quadruple eviction. On Day 15, Big Brother secretly informed Jack that the nominations were reversed to give him the opportunity to activate an immunity pass on a nominated Housemate. |
Week 3 | Tasks | On Day 12, the Housemates on basic rations competed in various tasks for an opportunity to join Jade's Luxury Clique. Harriet, Kieran, Sarah, Jack, and Amy & Sally passed their tasks. From these five, Jade chose Harriet, Jack, and Sarah to join the Clique.On Day 14, the Housemates on basic rations created original performances in teams of three, with judges Aaron, Harriet, and Jade selecting one team to join the Luxury Clique. They selected Chloe, Cristian, and Kieran as the winners over Amy & Sally, Danny, and Eileen. That afternoon, Big Brother threw a pool party for the Luxury Clique.On Day 15, Housemates were set their third shopping task, "Big Brother 2050". Housemates competed in three future-themed tasks, attempting to earn more time for the final task. Jack, Joel, and Sarah failed a telepathy task after Housemates broke the rules. Aaron, Chloe, and Eileen tasted various foods and unsuccessfully attempted to guess their flavours and contents. On Day 16, Harriet, Kieran, and Nick hung on to the hands of giant clocks for as long as possible. In the end, Amy and Jade were able to complete the final task – locating clocks based on Housemates' statements – in time to rebuild a time machine and pass the shopping task. |
Week 3 | Punishments | On Day 12, as punishment for Jade discussing nominations, Big Brother confiscated the Housemates' beauty products.On Day 17, Harriet received a formal warning for encouraging Aaron's inappropriate behaviour towards Joel. |
Week 3 | Exits | On Day 17, Aaron was ejected from the House for inappropriate behaviour.On Day 18, Amy & Sally became the third Housemate to be evicted, Harriet became the fourth, followed by Kieran as the fifth, and Sarah as the sixth. |
Week 4 | Twists | As new housemates, Harry Amelia, Marc, Sam, and Simon were immune from the public vote this week. Two of the four new housemates, as chosen by an online poll, were solely responsible for nominating. On Day 20, the public chose Sam and Simon to nominate. Later that day, they nominated Eileen. The following day, they nominated Jack and Joel. However, Jack chose to save himself by using his last remaining immunity pass. |
Week 4 | Tasks | On Day 19, Joel interviewed Harry Amelia, Marc, Sam, and Simon and moderated questions from the original Housemates. Big Brother rewarded Housemates with snacks and alcohol for successful participation.On Day 22, Big Brother formed an American fraternity as part of the fourth shopping task - "Beta Beta". Cristian, Harry Amelia, Marc, and Nick were the fraternity brothers and the rest of the Housemates were pledges. Pledges had to obey every command from a brother and complete all the chores for the duration of the task. For the task, the pledges answered a series of questions posed by Big Brother and the brothers, during which the brothers could electrically shock any pledge for perceived dishonesty. Chloe and Simon were subsequently promoted to brother status. That evening, the pledges were asked to invent and perform humiliating stunts with a set of nasty props including yeast extract and a clown wig. The brothers selected Eileen and Danny to join them. The remaining pledges spent the night in the basement, where they secretly watched the brothers' party and listened to Marc and Simon in the Diary Room. On Day 23, pledges Jack, Jade, Joel, and Sam were set the final challenge of transferring cups of beer across a balance beam using paddles. For completing the task in the allotted time, Housemates earned a luxury shopping budget.On Day 24, Big Brother had Sam and Simon plan and host a farewell party for the two Housemates whom they nominated, during which Simon led Housemates in a dance routine while in drag.On Day 25, Nick, Jack, Jade, Danny, and Simon each selected and opened a "gift" from Big Brother. Without revealing its contents to the other Housemates, each had to offer his/her gift to a Housemate who could accept or return it to the sender. Simon rejected Nick's gift which contained afternoon tea for two. Nick chose Harry Amelia to join him. Simon rejected Jack's gift, causing Jack to lose all his personal belongings except for a boiler suit. Jade offered Harry Amelia the gift of being handcuffed to another Housemate, which she accepted. Jade handcuffed Harry Amelia to Marc, who joined her and Nick on their date. Danny offered Sam the gift of being ignored for the entire day while wearing a bag over her head, which she accepted. Simon offered Chloe a message from home, which she rejected. That afternoon, Simon received a message from his mother in the Diary Room. |
Week 4 | Exits | On Day 25, Eileen became the seventh Housemate to be evicted. |
Week 5 | Entrances | On Day 32, Brian, Helen and Nikki entered the "Timebomb Bunker" as Time Warp Housemates with fake evicted housemate, Marc. |
Week 5 | Tasks | On Day 26, the Housemates were told that the day had been reversed and that morning would become night, and night would become morning. Shortly after the Housemates were woken up they attended a rave, and before they went to bed they were rewarded with a luxury breakfast.On Day 27, the Housemates were asked to write down some honest wishes about their fellow Housemates giving them ways that they could improve their time in the House. Later on as each wish was read out to the Housemates, they had to decide whether to own up to writing the wish or remain anonymous.On Day 28, Jade was given a number of statements which she had to assign to different Housemates based on her opinions. The Housemates then had to correctly identify which statement was given to them. They passed the task.On Day 29, the Housemates began their next shopping task "In The Zone" where the House was split into five sections and the Housemates had to take part of various tasks to take over each section. If they were successful in a zone, the Housemates were allowed to roam free in it, however if they failed the task in the zone, the ones who took part were locked in. Chloe and Jack took on the Kitchen Zone where they had to eat pies until they found four numbers hiding within them. The four numbers were the combination to unlock the zone. They failed, and were then automatically locked in. Danny, Harry Amelia and Joel then took part in the Bathroom Zone by getting into a bath of disgusting things and were given statements in which they had to identify who they were about. They passed this part of the task. Next was the Bedroom Zone where Jade had to guide a blindfolded Nick and Simon across the bedroom to obtain a key to unlock the zone, avoiding obstacles, but failed this meaning they were locked in the bedroom. On Day 30, Joel and Marc took part in the Diary Room Zone where they had to guess who said what about who from quotes given to them by Big Brother, they failed this and were automatically locked in. Finally was the Garden Zone, and after only passing one challenge, Danny had just one chance to choose the luxury shopping budget box out of a choice of four. He picked the basic rations box therefore the Housemates failed the task.On Day 31, Jack and Simon were given a secret mission to become "Night Ninjas" where they had to wait until Big Brother gave them a signal in the middle of the night then secretly cause havoc within the House by making as much mess as possible. |
Week 5 | Twists | On Day 32, Marc was fake evicted due to a twist and was then sent to Big Brother's Timebomb Bunker where he was joined by three former Housemates from Big Brothers past; Brian Belo, Helen Wood and Nikki Grahame. Shortly after this, Marc was told that they would be solely responsible for deciding who should face the next eviction. |
Week 6 | Tasks | On Day 33, the Housemates were given questions they thought were from the viewers, however they were actually asked by Brian, Helen, Marc and Nikki in the Timebomb Bunker. The Time Warp Housemates then took over the Diary Room giving Harry Amelia, Nick and Sam further interrogation.On Day 35, to help decide their next nominate, the Time Warp Housemates interviewed the other Housemates asking them questions about their time in the House so far.On Day 36, Housemates were split into two teams, the red team which featured Brian, Danny, Jack, Jade, Nikki and Sam, was captained by Marc went against Helen's blue team which included Chloe, Cristian, Harry Amelia, Joel, Nick and Simon. Each team had to send one member at a time to a sticky pit to collect a pocket watch whilst being showered with disgusting things. At the end of the task, the blue team had collected the most pocket watches and were therefore rewarded with luxury picnic.On Day 37, the Housemates took part in their next shopping task, "Let's Do The Time Warp" where Housemates were asked to freeze when Big Brother activated his Time Warp machine. During this time, familiar faces returned to the House including ex-Housemates. The task continued into Day 38 where the Housemates were told they'd passed the task.On Day 38, the Housemates were given the opportunity to get revenge on the Time Warp Housemates. They were given quotes about each other and were asked to guess which of the Time Warp Housemates said it about them by pouring a bucket of gloop on the Housemate they believe is the correct answer. |
Week 6 | Twists | On Day 34, Marc returned to the House with Time Warp Housemates Brian, Helen and Nikki. On their return, they chose to nominate Harry Amelia for eviction. The following day they nominated Chloe, followed by Cristian on Day 36, and Jade on Day 37. |
Week 6 | Exits | On Day 39, Jade became the eighth Housemate to be evicted. |
Week 7 | Entrances | On Day 44, Aisleyne became the fourth Time Warp Housemate to enter the House. |
Week 7 | Twists | On Day 39, shortly after Jade's eviction, Big Brother announced that "Time Warp" week had been paused, meaning that the Time Warp Housemates; Brian, Helen and Nikki were to remain in the House until further notice. This also meant that Marc continued to be a Time Warp Housemate.This week was nomination tag. Jade nominated Cristian live shortly after her eviction on Day 39. Cristian then nominated Sam and from then on, each nominated Housemate had to select another Housemate to nominate, who would then automatically face eviction. |
Week 7 | Tasks | On Day 41, for Nick's birthday, Harry Amelia and Nikki were asked to compete for his affections throughout the day in order for him to decide who should be his guest of honour at his birthday party. He chose Harry Amelia meaning Nikki had to become the waitress for the party.On Day 42, Sam was set a secret mission to brighten the nominated Housemates spirits by giving each of them a motivational speech and a hug. However, unbeknownst to Sam, the real secret mission was for the nominated Housemates to rebuff Sam's advances and tell her that she has actually made them feel worse. Sam failed to cheer any Housemates up or gain any hugs and therefore passed the task, meaning the nominated Housemates were rewarded with a picnic in the garden.On Day 44, the Housemates took part in their next shopping task "A Year In A Day". The day began with New Year's Day, then moved onto Valentine's Day where Cristian had to go on dates with Chloe, Danny, Sam, and Simon, and answer questions correctly about each date. For Halloween, Helen, Jack, and Nikki were given a choice of three Tweets about them and had to guess which of them was genuine, and collect them by putting their head into a spooky box, blindfolded. Finally, for Christmas Day Housemates were delivered a gift from Santa's little helper; the fourth Time Warp Housemate Aisleyne. She had to choose which Housemates she wanted to deliver basic rations or a luxury budget to, for the week. She chose to give Chloe, Cristian, Danny, Harry Amelia, Jack, Nick, and Sam a luxury food budget, meaning Helen, Joel, Marc, and Simon received basic rations. |
Week 7 | Punishments | On Day 42, as punishment for Housemates sleeping during the day, Big Brother removed all duvets, pillows and cushions from the House.On Day 43, as punishment for Housemates food fighting in the store room and disobeying Big Brother's calls to stop the previous night, they had to partake in Big Brother's "Community Service". With hi-vis jackets and litter pickers, Housemates had to tidy the garden, which had been filled with rubbish by Big Brother. After they had finished, the garden was re-filled with rubbish and Housemates had to continue to clean until the whole garden was tidy.On Day 44, Helen and Marc both received formal warnings for using offensive language towards Brian.On Day 46, Danny received a formal warning for using aggressive behaviour towards Marc. |
Week 7 | Exits | On Day 43, Brian voluntarily left the House.On Day 46, Simon became the ninth Housemate to be evicted, and shortly afterwards, Helen and Nikki left the House. |
Week 8 | Tasks | On Day 47, the Housemates votes Marc and Sam as the two most selfish Housemates, therefore they had to spend as much time as possible in an "80's Hell" room and were told that the longer they spent in the room the longer they would enjoy an "80's Heaven" in an 80's themed party. Unbeknownst to them though, the other Housemates were already enjoying the party. The pair had to endure tasks such as dancing to the "Birdie Song" on a loop and winding tape into old cassette tapes.On Day 49, the Big Brother House was turned into a Hotel. In this task, six Housemates had to become the members of the Big Brother Hotel staff, whilst three Housemates plus Time Warp Housemate Aisleyne would become their guests. As a VIP, Aisleyne had to choose which three Housemates would join her in luxury. She chose Chloe, Danny, and Joel meaning Cristian, Harry, Jack, Marc, Nick and Sam became the staff. If the staff get good ratings from the guests then the whole house will be rewarded with a luxury shopping budget. John McCririck and Charley Uchea were the first guests to enter the House, and departed on Day 50 where they were replaced by Dexter Koh and Jasmine Lennard. Dexter left the House the following day but Jasmine remained where she was joined by James Jordan. On his arrival he decided to make Marc a guest and swap him with Aisleyne, making her staff. Jasmine and James both departed on Day 52 when the task came to an end. Big Brother then revealed that Housemates had failed the task.On Day 53, Aisleyne was given a "Know Yourself" task where she interviewed the Housemates and gave them positive feedback and advice for their remaining time in the House. |
Week 8 | Exits | On Day 53, Aisleyne left the House, and shortly afterwards, Marc became the tenth Housemate to be evicted. |
Week 9: Cash Bomb Week | Tasks | On Day 56, the Housemates began their next shopping task "Cash Back" where they were faced with a number of opportunities to raise the prize fund. It began with Harry Amelia and Nick signing a restraining order, meaning they could not communicate until further notice, then Cristian, Chloe and Jack eating hot chillies. Later that day, the Housemates were tempted with takeaway food, then had to answer questions correctly based on public perception.On Day 57, the Housemates took part in an endurance task in order to win mystery amounts of cash which was secretly allocated by Chloe, and were given the opportunity to buy back their suitcases which were previously lost as punishment.On Day 59, the Housemates were given a number of tweets and had to guess which ones were about them. However they did not know that Danny was responsible for writing half of them. As he remained undetected as the Twitter Troll, he earned £5,000 towards the prize fund. |
Week 9: Cash Bomb Week | Twists | On Day 54, Cash Bomb week began where the overall prize fund would be put at risk. Housemates took part in Cash Bomb nominations. When the prize fund began to drop, Housemates had to race to press the button to stop the countdown, this would then earn them immunity. This came at a price however as they then had to nominate another Housemate face-to-face who would automatically face eviction. Over the course of the week, Housemates faced a number of tasks and dilemmas to earn and spend the prize fund cash.On Day 58, Chloe, Jack, Joel and Sam were each offered £5,000 to take for themselves or to add to the prize fund. The remaining four had to guess what they thought each would do. Danny and Nick failed to predict that Chloe and Sam would take the money for themselves, Joel decided to add the money to the prize fund, and Harry Amelia correctly guessed that Jack would take the money therefore stole it and also decided to add it to the prize fund.On Day 60, following Harry Amelia's eviction, the remaining nominated Housemates; Chloe, Jack and Sam each chose an envelope with an allocated cash amount inside. After revealing their amounts to the group, the other Housemates then had to choose a Housemate to evict, with their cash amounts being added to the prize fund. They chose to evict Sam adding £15,000. |
Week 9: Cash Bomb Week | Punishments | On Day 54, as punishment for talking during Cash Bomb nominations, the prize fund dropped by £85,700. Also that day, for breaking into the camera runs, the Housemates had to give up all of their personal belongings. |
Week 9: Cash Bomb Week | Exits | On Day 60, Harry Amelia became the eleventh Housemate to be evicted, shortly afterwards Sam became the twelfth Housemate to be evicted following a Cash Bomb twist. |
| Exits' | On Day 66, Cristian and Nick left the house in sixth and fifth, followed by Jack in fourth place, Danny in third place, Joel in second and Chloe as the winner of Big Brother 16. |
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