Maritime Industrial Services

Maritime Industrial Services Co. Ltd. Inc.
The MIS Group, is a diversified engineering and contracting group providing a broad range of products and services to the energy sector. It was established in Dubai, UAE in 1979. MIS trades on the Oslo Stock Exchange’s main list under the ticker symbol MIS.
MIS’ business scope covers EPC, Fabrication, New Build, Rig Refurb, Tech Services and Safety Services.
MIS’ operational scope of work covers engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction, safety, operating and maintenance services to the oil, gas, petrochemical, energy, power generation and marine industries.


1979: Foundation of MIS

1985: Relocation from Dubai to Sharjah yard and start of pressure vessel manufacture

1985: Acquisition of Sunbelt Safety division

1990: EPC start up

2001: MIS Arabia joint venture

2006: First New Build contract signed

2007: MIS listing on the Oslo Børs stock exchange

2008: Acquisition of Rig Metals

2009: Delivery of the first rig in the Middle East and the launch of EPI

2010: Start-up of Production Services, the acquisition of Litwin PEL, and MOU with Kavin Engineering

2012: Acquisition by Lamprell PLC

Business Activities

MIS’ business is based around six main value streams but since 2008 has gained 4 more as acquisitions and start-ups.

Main Value Streams

The company’s operations span several markets: Sharjah UAE where the company has 200,000 m² quayside facilities in Port Khalid; Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia under the name MIS Arabia. MIS’ geographical footprint also covers Egypt, Kazakhstan and Iraq.