Mario Pasik

Mario Pasik is an Argentine actor. He is most known for TV series Son de Fierro, Endless Summer and Champs 12.


He was born on 3 March 1951 in Versalles, Buenos Aires, and is the son of a merchant father and a housewife mother. His family later moved to Villa Crespo. He is younger brother of the actor Salo Pasik.


He made his acting debut when he was 13 years old, performing in Historias para recounted, a work by the Argentinean Osvaldo Dragún and then in Petition by Antón Chéjov.
He studied theater with actor Raúl Serrano. He performed in the 'Cristal Sun' with Inda Ledesma, Jorge Marrale, Alicia Bruzzo and Rodolfo Bebán.
He has performed in films such as Contraluz, The Face of the Angel, The Salt in the Wound, Of my neighborhood with love and ''Where are you my love? life that I can not find you?;;, among many others.
In 2007, he performed in 5 episodes of the television-novel 'Tango del Ultimo Amor', a co-production of Telefé and the Russian channel 'TV Channel Russia', made exclusively for that country, he co-starred with Adriana Salonia.

Theatrical productions

He had been married to actress Marta Betoldi since 1992, they have two children, they then separated in 2013.
He likes macrobiotic food.

Award nominations