Mari Sano

Mari Sano is a Japanese artist and composer working in multiple media, including the charango, the ocarina, percussion andphotography. She lives in Mexico and Argentina. She produced three albums From Beginning, Latin Park and Friendship Musical. Her compositions have received awards and cultural recognition in music, photography and performance.

Early life

In her childhood, she lived in Mexico, Argentina and Spain, absorbing Hispanic culture. In 1998 she began living in Argentina.


Her stage piece "Life of Hummingbird" was created from the Deer Dance entitled "Charango dancing / Dance of the hummingbird". During her experience in Mexico, in 1972, Sano met choreographer Amalia Hernández. Sano introduced these dance elements to her own work, strumming the charango and making specific sounds that she used in her choreography.
Her creation reached the stages around the world, including Argentina, Japan, Taiwan, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico and Cuba. It was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and embassies of Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador and Japan, in recognition of the important work in promoting activities that contribute to enriching culture and friendship.
She was invited at concerts, record material and cultural events by artists from Latin America and numerous rock bands, Celtic and Circus. She collaborated in music and production of various artistic projects, including documentary film Visions of Hiroshima, Zamba del Loro Mario and a dancing show.
