Marcus Sempronius Liberalis

Marcus Sempronius Liberalis was a Roman eques who held a number of appointments during the reign of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. He is known from military diplomas and non-literary papyrus.
Liberalis was born in Acholla, located in what is Tunisia. His relationship to other members of the Sempronii is unknown.
His first attested appointment was his commission as commander of the ala I Gallorum Tauriana victrix in 129/130, which at the time was stationed in Mauretania Tingitana; this may have been part of his tres militiae. His next known appointment was as praefectus or governor of Rhaetia from at least 30 October 139 to at least as late as November or December 140.
His last known appointment was one of the highest posts of an equestrian career, praefectus or governor of Roman Egypt from 154 to 159.