Marcel Boekhoorn

Marcel Boekhoorn is a Dutch entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and owner of investment company Ramphastos Investments. Boekhoorn has a wide array of business interests in the Netherlands and beyond. With an estimated net worth of €1.9 billion, Boekhoorn is one of the wealthiest individuals in the Netherlands.
Marcel Boekhoorn, a CPA by training, started his career as a chartered accountant with accounting organisation Deloitte & Touche in 1981. By 1991 he had become the organization’s youngest partner to date. In 1994, Boekhoorn founded his investment vehicle Ramphastos Investments and started to invest in unconventional companies that had little traction with other investors. The key approach of Boekhoorn’s investment strategy is to place emphasis on adding value to the revenue side of the business equation, rather than exclusively focussing on cost reduction. This approach sets Ramphastos Investments apart from many companies in the private equity world. Boekhoorn is furthermore known for his focus on value creation through buy-and-build strategies, marketplace innovation, internationalisation, management empowerment and strategic partnerships.
Within a few years of its establishment, Boekhoorn had substantially grown Ramphastos Investments’ portfolio and its invested capital by achieving large returns through several high-profile exits. Boekhoorn's major feat was the €300 million acquisition of Dutch mobile operator Telfort in 2005 and its subsequent sale nine months later to incumbent telco and Dutch market leader KPN at a valuation of €1.2 billion. Other examples of successful exits include: :nl:Bakker Bart,, Cocachoc, Novaxess, Motip Dupli, Sim Industries, Suitsupply and Delivery Hero.
Wilco Jiskoot, former executive board member of ABN AMRO Bank, is one of the advisors of Marcel Boekhoorn.

Business interests

Privately, and through his investment vehicle of Ramphastos Investments, Boekhoorn holds interests in over 30 companies with a combined turnover of almost € 5 billion, varying from financial and business services, retail, gaming, health care, new materials and advanced manufacturing. Current investments include:
Boekhoorn is privately a strong supporter of many nature and wildlife conservation and education programmes like SaveWave or the internationally acclaimed photographer Jimmy Nelson and his three-year trip around the world to photograph endangered tribes. Boekhoorn facilitated the adoption of two giant pandas from China by Ouwehands Zoo in 2017. In the presence of the Chinese President Xi Jinping, and King Willem Alexander, Boekhoorn signed a partnership agreement on behalf of Ouwehands Zoo with the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association. As part of the agreement, Boekhoorn makes an annual contribution of $1 million to the preservation of the panda species and the conservation of its natural habitat in China. Boekhoorn supports the football club N.E.C. Nijmegen and invested in the racing career of his son-in-law Guido van de Garde who raced in the 2013 Formula One Season for the Caterham F1 Team.

Private life

In 2006, Mr. Boekhoorn separated from his wife with whom he has three daughters. His current girlfriend is Rebecca Cabau van Kasbergen, sister of Yolanthe Sneijder Cabau, ex-wife of Dutch soccer player Wesley Sneijder.