Maranjab Desert

The Maranjab Desert is located in Aran va Bidgol, Esfahan province, Iran and north-east of Kashan.

Desert cities

Maranjab Aran and Bidgol in the northern city of Aran and Bidgol located in Isfahan province. This desert from north to Salt Lake Aran and Bidgol, the West Desert Lakes issue and salt pond and dock Sultan Moreh, from East to desert sand dam and Desert National Park and the southern city of Aran and Bidgol is limited.
The average height of about Maranjab sea level and the highest point of the island is about above sea level, and needs to be security, relative moderation, variety of tourism attractions, the diversity of animal species and vegetation in desert areas a good place for tourism and investment in this area has provided and draw many tourists to the area. much of the desert is covered with dunes and sabulous. Maranjab is rich in terms of vegetation. The main vegetation consists of salt-friendly plants including tamarisk trees and bushes arch and is Qych.