Mapledurham (Reading ward)

Mapledurham is an electoral ward of the Borough of Reading, in the English county of Berkshire. It is north-west of the town centre and forms the westernmost part of the suburb of suburb of Caversham. It lies north of the River Thames, and is bordered by Thames, Battle and Kentwood wards and by the district of South Oxfordshire. The ward takes its name from the adjacent village of Mapledurham, which is actually outside the borough boundary in South Oxfordshire.
Mapledurham ward is unusual in that, unlike all the other Reading wards, it elects only one councillor to Reading Borough Council. Except where an unusual by-election is required, elections take place every four years, coinciding with the year of the Summer Olympic Games. In the 2012 council election, Councillor Isobel Ballsdon of the Conservative Party was elected.