
Manuel Laureano Rodríguez Sánchez, known as Manolete, was a Spanish bullfighter.


He rose to prominence shortly after the Spanish Civil War and is considered to be one of the greatest bullfighters of all time, described as such in a 1945 Mexican documentary film. His style was sober and serious, with few concessions to the gallery, and he excelled at the suerte de matarthe kill. Manolete's contribution to bullfighting included being able to stand very still while the bull passed close to his body and, rather than giving the passes separately, he was able to remain in one spot and link four or five consecutive passes together into a compact series.
He popularized a pass with the muleta called the "Manoletina," which is normally given just before entering to kill with the sword. In addition to all of the major bullrings of Spain, he had very important triumphs in Plaza Mexico.


He died in August 1947 following a goring in the upper right leg as he killed the fifth bull of the day, the Miura bull Islero, an event that left Spain in a state of shock. Manolete received his fatal goring in the town of Linares where he appeared alongside the up-and-coming matador Luis Miguel Dominguín.

In popular culture
