Manju (film)

Manju is a 1983 Malayalam film based on the novel of the same name by M. T. Vasudevan Nair. The film was scripted and directed by M. T. Vasudevan Nair himself and stars Sangeeta Naik, Nanditha Bose, Indira, Sankar Mohan and Desh Maheshwari.


Set in Nainital, Manju is about Vimala Devi, a teacher in a boarding school, who waits in hope for the winter of her discontent to vanish. Another important character is Buddhu, who waits for his Englishman father to return to Nainital. Loneliness and endless waiting are recurring motifs in the film.


The music was composed by M. B. Sreenivasan and the lyrics were written by Gulzar. All the songs are in Hindi as the film is completely set in Nainital.

Hindi version

The novel also had a Hindi-language film adaptation titled Sarath Sandhya. This film however went completely unnoticed.