
Mamutica is the largest building in Zagreb and Croatia, as well as one of the largest apartment blocks in Europe.
This apartment complex was built by Industrogradnja in 1974, and designed by prof. Đure Mirković and Nevenka Postružnik. Located in Eastern Novi Zagreb, in the neighborhood of Travno. It is the Croatian version of the panelák or plattenbau. The building is about 240 m long, 60 m high and has 19 populated floors. There are 1.169 apartments in the building, home to about 5,000 people. The building has 6 entrances and 3 entrances.
As part of Mamutica, there are 256 garages and 24 outlets at plateau level.
Mamutica is also the name of a crime TV series broadcast by Croatian Radiotelevision since 2008, focusing on police cases being solved in and around the building.
The estimated value of the building is about 135 million EUR.
Only two buildings in Zagreb can withstand the strongest earthquake, Mamutica and :hr:Super_Andrija|Super Andrija.
Because there is one of the most massive aggregates inside the building, in the event of a war, Mamutica was planned to be turned into a hospital.

Origin of name

Not only is Mamutica the largest building in all of Croatia, but it is also still one of the most significant residential buildings in Europe. Therefore, it is interesting that she should have been called Tratinčica. According to Miroslav Kollenz's urban plan, every building in the Travno district of Zagreb should be named after a meadow flower, but the idea did not come to the realization.