List of fictional plants
This list of fictional plants describes invented plants that appear in works of fiction.
In fiction
- Audrey II: a singing, fast talking alien plant with a taste for human blood in the film and stage show Little Shop of Horrors
- Bat-thorn: a plant, similar to wolfsbane, offering protection against vampires in Mark of the Vampire.
- Biollante: a monster plant of titanic proportions in the movie Godzilla vs Biollante.
- Cactacae: sentient races of cactus people from China Miéville's Bas-Lag series.
- Dyson tree: a hypothetical genetically-engineered plant, capable of growing on a comet, suggested by the physicist Freeman Dyson
- Flower of Life: a flower featured in some anime series: The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, Robotech or Nurse Angel Ririka SOS
- G'Quan Eth: plant indigenous to the Narn homeworld, used as incense in religious ceremonies from Babylon 5 TV series. It is ritually burned as incense, and its seeds are a narcotic for Centauri when dropped in alcohol. The G'Quan Eth plant is "difficult to grow, expensive to transport, very expensive to own." Whether it affects other species in this way when in alcohol is not clear, but we know that Narn don't seem to use it as a recreational drug and that it is illegal to possess on B5 except in religious contexts. The plant is presumably named after Narn spiritual leader G'Quan.
- Inkvine: a creeping plant frequently used to whip in the slave cribs in the Dune universe
- Integral Trees: enormous trees from the science-fiction novel The Integral Trees by Larry Niven. They are 100 kilometers long and have a leafy "tuft" at each end oriented in opposite directions forming an ∫, the integral symbol.
- Kite-Eating Tree: a tree featured in the comic strip Peanuts
- Krynoid: extraterrestrial carnivorous plant in episode "The Seeds of Doom" from Doctor Who TV series
- Mariphasa lupina lumina : an extremely rare phosphorescent plant found only in the mountains of Tibet from the movie Werewolf of London
- Plant Men of Barsoom: a race of humanoid plants from the Martian novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Re-annual plants: plants which, due to a rare 4-dimensional twist in their genetic structure, flower and grow before their seed germinates.
- Red weed: a red plant from Mars brought to Earth possibly accidentally by the invading Martians in the novel The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells.
- Snake vine: an odd-looking vine with dusky, variegated leaves hunkered around a stem that winds a stranglehold around nearby trees, eventually killing them from the Sword of Truth fantasy series by Terry Goodkind. It will bite at nearby creatures, leaving deadly toothlike thorns that burrow into their skin and eventually kill them. There is actually a plant commonly called by this name that is native to Australia. See Snake vine
- Serenna veriformans: a fake plant that appears in the novel and movie Jurassic Park. There has never been reported a prehistoric fern genus named Serenna or a veriformans species. The word vermiform usually refers to something that is worm-like, like in Vermiform appendix. In the movie the plant is not a fern but an angiosperm.
- Sukebind: fictional flower in the novel Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons.
- Tesla trees: large electrified trees from the planet Hyperion in Hyperion Cantos novels by Dan Simmons. They appear to store up electricity inside their body during certain seasons, releasing all of it in huge arcs of lightning from their crown, burning away all that was growing or walking near them and thus getting fertilizer.
- Tree-of-Life: the ancestor of yams, with similar appearance and taste, from Larry Niven's Known Space novels.
- Triffids: carnivorous plants which possess a whip-like poisonous sting as well as mobility by three foot-like appendages, from the novel The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham. They subsequently appeared in a radio series, a motion picture, a TV series and a sequel novel, The Night of the Triffids by Simon Clark.
In J. R. R. Tolkien's [Middle-earth]
- Aeglos: a plant, similar to a gorse named for the Elvish 'snow-thorn'.
- Athelas: a healing plant with long leaves.
- Elanor: a small star-shaped yellow flower from Tol Eressëa and Lothlórien
- Ents: an ancient walking, talking tree-like race led by Treebeard. According to Tolkien these shepherds of the forest, were the oldest mortal race in middle earth. They were on the verge of extinction by turning into trees, due to the long ago disappearance of the Entwives: the female version of Ents. Their name is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for giant. Ents we are told are not trees, but it is not clear if they were plants or animals or something in-between.
- Mallorn: a huge tree with green-and-silver leaves turning golden in autum and remaining so till spring, upon which the Elves of Lothlórien housed
- Nimloth: The White Tree of Númenor, a seedling of Celeborn, a seedling of Galathilion, created in the image of Telperion.
- Niphredil: a small white flower from Doriath and Lothlórien
- Pipe-weed: "a strain of the herb nicotiana", varieties mentioned include Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby, Southern Star, grown in the Shire, and Southlinch, from Bree.
- Oiolairë: an evergreen fragrant tree highly esteemed by the Númenóreans.
- Simbelmynë: a white flower that grew in Gondolin and Rohan
- Valinor, Two Trees of: magic trees that illuminated the Blessed Realm in ancient times.
In J. K. Rowling's ''Harry Potter'' series
- Bowtruckle
- Leaping toadstool
- Gillyweed: seaweed-like plant which, when you eat it, allows you to breathe underwater for a short period of time. You also temporarily grow fins and flippers.
- Gurdyroot: resembles a green onion. Basis for a foul-tasting purple infusion brewed by the Lovegoods in order to fend off Gulping Plimpies. Considered not very original by Charles Elliott, depending on a funny name for effect.
- Mandrakes: tubers that look like babies when young. Their screams can kill when fully grown. A potion made from mature mandrakes can restore victims who have been petrified. A different kind of mandrake is a real plant. Whilst the mandrake as it appears in the books and films is fictional, Rowling's description does reflect genuinely held beliefs about the mandrake, in particular, the danger surrounding its screams. This led to the practice of using dogs to collect the mandrake, and the blocking of ears during collecting.
- The whomping willow: a tree which has club-like branches which can move. The whomping Willow is very hostile in the Chamber of Secrets book; Harry Potter and Ron Weasly crash into it with a car, and are lucky to escape alive. There is a secret passage that leads into the Shrieking Shack, a haunted house, underneath the whomping Willow's roots.
In Brandon Sanderson's ''Cosmere'' Series
- Firemoss: A red-brown moss that, when activated by rubbing between the thumb and forefinger, releases wisps of smoke that create feelings of euphoria when inhaled and is used as a recreational drug. Firemoss is highly addictive, limiting its medicinal use, though it is sometimes used to reduce cranial swelling and offer pain relief.
- Knobweed: Like most of the plants found on Rohsar, knobweed has adapted to survive the planet’s harsh storms. The reed-like stalk anchors itself directly to stone and the frond found at the top of the stalk has the ability to contract and retreat into the stalk during storms for protection. Knobweed reproduces by releasing fluffy pappuses that carry seeds into the air. The milky white sap found inside knobweed stems is a natural and highly valuable antiseptic used in the field and by established apothecaries.
- Prickletac: Prickletac plants are actually colonies of much smaller living buds. As each generation of buds dies it converts to a hard, stony material which the next generation builds upon. Prickletac’s reproductive system is based on this oddity – when a ‘limb’ grows too large it breaks off and falls to the ground, scattering living buds. Also known as Twisted Spine.
- Rockbuds: Rockbud is both a general term for several shelled plants on Roshar, including Lavis Polyps, Vinebuds, and Prickletac Shrubs, and the proper name for a specific plant. The true Rockbud plant is a shelled plant containing lengthy tendrils that reach out to lap up water. The size of fully grown rockbuds depends largely on climate. In colder climates they grow no larger than a human fist, while rockbuds in warm climates can grow to the size of a barrel. Rockbuds are harvested for consumption, limited medicinal uses, and paper making.
- Shalebark: A class of stony, fanlike plants often used for decoration and landscaping.
- Tears of Edgli: Vibrantly colored flowers that grow only in the temperate T’Telir climate. Highly valuable both economically and magically.
- Unnamed Telepathic Trees: Many flora and fauna on this planet communicate with a form of natural telepathy. Certain unnamed plants living on the islands that make up the Pantheon send false thoughts of wounded or frightened animals to attract predators, which often fight and leave victims dead near enough to the tree to provide nutrition. These plants are not directly carnivorous.
- Dorim vines:' Dorim vines live under the sand that covers most of Taldain’s Dayside continent, reaching down to the water table where they fill themselves with water as a defensive mechanism against predators – the hard shells of many of the continents animals is dissolved by contact with water. Pouring water onto sand draws nearby vines out of the ground.
In ''Dungeons & Dragons''
- Basidirond: a giant multi-stemmed fungus creature
- Hangman tree: a tree that will attempt to strangle anyone who ventures under it
- Kelpie: a shape-shifting mass of animate seaweed that can imitate a woman or other creatures, and drowns its victims
- Myconid: a "fungus man"
- Oaken defender: an enormous disk-shaped plant that lives in dryad groves and assists in their defense
- Obliviax: "memory moss", a black moss that steals memories from intelligent creatures
- Phantom fungus: a dangerous subterranean plant that grapples victims with tentacles
- Shambling mound: an atrocious plant-like creature, also called a shambler
- Shrieker: ambulatory fungus that emits piercing shrieks
- Tendriculos: an enormous, savage, sentient plant resembling a huge, tangled shrubbery
- Treant: sentient trees with human characteristics that typically protect forests from antagonists
- Vegepygmy: a "mold man", a former human transformed by russet mold
- Wood woad: a creature resembling big, burly, bestial men made entirely of wood and bark bearing, but without foliage
- Yellow musk creeper: a creeping plant that drains the intelligence of its victims, killing them or turning them into "yellow musk zombies" under the plant's control
In ''Monty Python's Flying Circus''
- Angolan sauntering tree .
- Gambian sidling bush.
- Puking Tree of Mozambique.
- The Turkish little rude plant: A remarkably smutty piece of flora used by the Turks.
- Walking tree of Dahomey : the legendary walking tree that can achieve speeds of up to 50 miles an hour, especially when it is in a hurry. There is movie footage from the late 1940s in which a walking tree actually sprints after a cheetah. Very funny, although the cheetah was subsequently quite rooted.
In the 2009 film ''Avatar">Avatar (2009 film)">Avatar''
In video games
Video games frequently feature fictional plants as items that can be collected by the player, or occasionally appear as non-player characters.- The Monster Hunter series has multiple fictional flowers and plants that can be gathered by the player character, including nulberries, might seeds, flowferns, and dragonstrike nuts.
- Sunflower from the Plants vs Zombies series it is a flower which is used to collect sunlight for you, a point which is extremely useful to place other defensive plants.
- The Legend of Zelda series, plants play a significant role. In many games, bomb flowers allow the player character to explode rocks and obstacles. In Breath of the Wild in particular, the game is full of flowers and herbs that convey different abilities to Link, including the Silent Princess, Princess Zelda's favourite flower. The series also contains the Great Deku Tree, a guardian tree that watches over the forest in multiple games in the franchise.
- Broc Flower: a plant in used as a medical remedy.
- Plantera: a flower from the game Terraria which is used to be a two phase bossfight, normal and enraged, in 100% health it is on its normal form but when the player decreases its life to 50% it enters what is called enraged mode, bursting a mouth with many sharp teeth, becoming more aggressive and difficult.
- Candypop Bud: a flower found in the video games Pikmin and Pikmin 2.
- Chuck the Plant: a plant found in several of LucasArts' games.
- Elowan: a race of plant-like creatures in Starflight computer game,.
- Flowey: A sentient golden flower who is one of the main antagonists from the game Undertale. Flowey has no soul and in the neutral route Flowey consumes 6 human souls to become Photoshop Flowey, the final boss of that route.
- Genesis Trees: trees located in the world of Legaia from the video game Legend of Legaia. They have the power to keep a large area free of the Mist.
- Lunar Tears, from Nier and, by PlatinumGames.
- Nirnroot: Is a very rare plant with strong alchemical properties from The Elder Scrolls series of video games. Appearing as a blueish green plant that emits a constant hum.
- Piranha Plants: plants with mouths from the Mario series of video games, often depicted as sentient. It is also a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
- Fire Flower another famous flower from Mario series of videogames, used to enable Mario to shoot fire balls.
- Supox utricularia: a race of kind, sentient plant creatures from Star Control computer game series.
- Xander Root: a plant in used as a medical remedy.
- Sylvari: a race of sapient plant people in the MMO Guild Wars 2, available as a playable race.
In DC Comics
The Black Mercy is typically depicted as consisting of dark green, thorned vines that attach themselves to a humanoid victim's upper torso, with a set of pink flowers, each with a long, red, tentacle-like stigma, growing in the center of the victim's chest. When Mongul first uses the Black Mercy on Superman, they burrow through his costume and into his body, able to penetrate his otherwise invulnerable skin because, Wonder Woman senses, they are at least partially magical, which is one of Superman's weaknesses. During his experience with the organism, Superman's breathing appears faint, and his ability to sense the fraudulent nature of the simulation it feeds him and fight it manifests as tears produced by his actual eyes. The Black Mercy can be pulled off a victim by a strong humanoid such as Batman, and Mongul uses special protective gauntlets to handle the plant safely. Superman is not able to awaken from the Black Mercy's simulation without help from Batman, though Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan are both able to do so in a subsequent storyline when they are both trapped by the same plant, as this meant that the two were sharing an illusion and Hal's strength of will caused Oliver to experience what Hal believed was his friend's greatest desire rather than Oliver making the choice himself.
In the video game, Injustice 2 Supergirl mentions Black Mercy in pre-battle dialogue with Scarecrow. She states dealing with him is no different than dealing with Black Mercy, causing Scarecrow to ask her what is Black Mercy out of curiosity, causing Supergirl to describe it as an evil space plant.
Characters who have experienced the Black Mercy include:
- Superman sees himself on a still-intact Krypton with his biological parents, married to a retired actress named Lyla, and a son named Van.
- Batman envisions a life in which his parents were not murdered during his childhood, and he is married to Kathy Kane.
- Mongul envisions a life in which he successfully kills Superman, before setting out across the universe, killing all of his enemies, entire populations kneeling before him amid his destruction of countless galaxies.
- Green Arrow envisions a life in which he is married to Sandra "Moonday" Hawke, and in addition to their older son Connor, they have a younger son, and a newborn third. When Mongul uses the Black Mercy on him, Green Arrow was caught along with Hal Jordan, with the result that he saw what Hal believed would be his perfect life.
- Hal Jordan envisions a life in which his parents and his siblings are present in his life, and Sinestro is a friend who fights by his side as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. When Mongul uses the Black Mercy on him, Jordan was caught in the same illusion as Oliver Queen, which resulted in Jordan creating what he believed would be Queen's perfect life rather than Queen experiencing his own idea of a perfect life, allowing Queen to see through its simulation and thus awaken from it.
In mythology
- Aglaophotis: A type of Peony said to be magical
- Austras koks: a tree which grows from the start of the Sun's daily journey across the sky in Latvian mythology
- Barnacle tree: mythical tree believed in the Middle Ages to have barnacles that opened to reveal geese. The story may have started from goose barnacles growing on driftwood.
- Fern flower: a magic plant in Baltic mythology thought to only bloom one night, sought by lovers
- Lotus tree: a plant in Greek mythology bearing a fruit that caused a pleasant drowsiness. It may have been real.
- Moly: a magic herb in Greek mythology with a black root and white blossoms
- Raskovnik: a magic plant in Serbian mythology which can open any lock
- Vegetable Lamb of Tartary: a mythical plant supposed by medieval thinkers to explain the existence of cotton
- Yggdrasil: the World tree of Norse mythology
- Man-eating tree or Madagascar tree: a fictitious tree in the forests of Madagascar. There are stories of similar trees in the jungles of Mindanao Island in the Philippines. The tree is said to have a gray trunk and animated vine-like stems used to capture and kill humans and other large animals. Comparable plants are mentioned in tall tales and fiction.
- Spaghetti tree: a tree from which spaghetti is harvested. It was an April Fool's Day joke launched by the BBC TV programme Panorama in 1957.