Malika Favre

Malika Favre is a French illustrator and graphic artist based in London. Her style of works could be characterized by pure minimalism within Pop art and Op art, where it sometimes described as 'Pop Art meets Op Art'. She combines simple illustrations with geometric patterns and has developed a unique style of illustration by using positive and negative space and colours, elegant layouts, especially of the female body and the curves.

Early life and education

Malika Favre was born on 1 December 1982 in the Paris region, France, and grew up there. Her mother was a painter. After high school education Favre went to a science prep school because she thought that she wanted to become a quantic engineer. But in contrast she decided to go to an art school at Paris named École nationale supérieure des arts appliqués et des métiers d'art, which often known as Olivier de Serres. She was graduated from Olivier de Serres. After finishing her education in Paris, she pursued illustration when she moved to the London, and where she took higher education from the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College in Farnham.


Favre did an internship for three months at Airside, a British design studio which closed in 2012. In 2006, she started work as an Art Director at Airside, which led to collaborations with numerous high-profile magazines and clients including wallpaper and The Sunday Times. She also worked for UNIT9 in 2006. In 2011 she left Airside to set herself up as an independent illustrator.


Favre is an independent illustrator and has worked on a variety of projects spanning editorial, advertising and publishing. Her unique graphics style, mixing Pop and Op art, is featured by companies such as Sephora, Le Bon Marché, Penguin Books, and newspapers such as Vogue, The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Sunday Times, and Vanity Fair, etc.

Cover's Illustration