A magnetosonic wave is a linear magnetohydrodynamic wave that is driven by both pressure and magnetic tension. There are two types of magnetosonic waves, the fast magnetosonic wave and the slow magnetosonic wave. Both fast and slow magnetosonic waves have been recently discovered in the solar corona, which created an observational foundation for the novel technique for the coronal plasma diagnostics, coronal seismology.
Homogeneous plasma
In an ideal homogeneous plasma of infinite extent, and in the absence of gravity, the magnetosonic waves form, together with the Alfvén wave, the three basic linear MHD waves. Under the assumption of normal modes, namely that the linear perturbations of the physical quantities are of the form , a dispersion relation of the magnetosonic waves can be derived from the system of ideal MHD equations: where is the Alfvén speed, is the sound speed, is the magnitude of the wavevector and is the component of the wave vector along the backgroundmagnetic field. This equation can be solved for the frequency, yielding the frequencies of the fast and slow magnetosonic waves: It can be shown that , hence the name of "slow" and "fast" magnetosonic waves.
Limiting cases
Absent magnetic field
In the absence of a magnetic field, the whole MHD model reduces to the hydrodynamics model. In this case, and hence and. The slow wave thus disappears from the system, while the fast wave is just a sound wave, propagating isotropically.
Incompressible plasma
In case the plasma is incompressible, the sound speed and it can then be shown that and. The slow wave thus propagates with the Alfvén speed, while the fast wave disappears from the system.
Cold plasma
Under the assumption that the background temperature, it follows from the perfect gas law that the thermal pressure and thus that. In this case, and. Hence there are no slow waves in the system, and the fast waves propagate isotropically with the Alfvén speed.
Inhomogeneous plasma
In the case of an inhomogeneous plasma, i.e. a plasma where at least one of the background quantities is not constant, the MHD waves lose their defining nature and get mixed properties. In some setups, such as the axisymmetric waves in a straight cylinder with a circular basis, the three MHD waves can still be clearly distinguished. But in general, the pure Alfvén, fast and slow magnetosonic waves don't exist and the waves in the plasma are coupled to each other in intricate ways.