Magi-Nation (TV series)

Magi-Nation is a Canadian animated series based on the card game Magi-Nation Duel. The series was co-produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment, in association with The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The series premiered in Canada on September 8, 2007, on CBC Television and on September 22, 2007 in the U.S. on Kids' WB. A series of DVDs was set to be released from October 21, 2008 through January 6, 2009 from NCirlce Entertainment. The series had formerly aired in the U.S. on Toonzai on The CW and formerly on Cookie Jar Toons on This TV, with the second season's worldwide premiere airing on Cookie Jar Toons. The show was cancelled due to low ratings of the second season. The twelve remaining episodes have been released online.


Three thousand years ago in the Moonlands, the Shadow Magi Agram was sealed inside the planet's Core by the Core Glyph and the Dreamstones which provided its power. Now he plans to escape by using his Shadow Geysers to weaken his prison in order to bring the Moonlands under his control, and only a Magi known as the "Final Dreamer" can stop him. A young boy from Earth, Tony Jones, is summoned into the Moonlands as he is believed to be this Final Dreamer. He joins forces with the apprentice Magi, Edyn, and the Shadow Stalker, Strag, on a mission to gather the Dreamstones before Agram is set free. Using the Book of Elders, the three travel through the Moonlands while combatting the forces of Agram and gaining an ever-growing collection of Dream Creatures from the Moonlands that they visit.

Cast (credited order)


Dream Creatures are creatures that inhabit the Moonlands and originate from the Dream Plane. A Magi who gains the trust of a Dream Creature or defeats it in battle gains an Animite crystal. This Animite can be used to summon that Dream Creature back from the Dream Plane when needed by using some of a Magi's energy. A Dream Creature that is defeated simply returns to the Dream Plane and can be summoned again if the Magi has sufficient energy. Within the Dream Plane, even corrupted Core Creatures are temporarily purified to their natural states.

Guardian Hyrens

The Guardian Hyrens are unique Dream Creatures and a subset of the often draconic Hyrens. Each Guardian Hyren protects a particular Moonland and, namely, its respective Dreamstone. A test is given to those seeking a Guardian Hyren's Dreamstone in order to test that Magi's worthiness and character.


Season 1

Season 2


Cookie Jar Entertainment acquired merchandising rights along with the TV show license. An online computer game, , has been released. It was distributed by Acclaim Games. A new card game and a Nintendo DS video game adaptation were announced but ultimately did not see a release.

DVD releases

Magi-Nation: The Moonlands, released on June 16, 2009, includes these episodes: "The Final Dreamer, Fire and Ice, Blight, Enemy in the Sands".
Magi-Nation: Fight the Shadows, released on June 16, 2009, includes these episodes: "First Geyser, Cloud Cover, Fiery Betrayal, Eyes of Agram".
In the UK, Platform Entertainment Ltd released episodes on DVD.
In Germany, season 1 was released on five DVDs; all contained both German and English audio tracks.