Madrasah as-Sawlatiyah

Madrasah as-Sawlatiyah is an Islamic school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It was founded in 1873 by Rahmatullah Kairanavi.
While residing in Mecca, Kairanawi founded a religious school there. Rahmatullah Kairanawi was appointed as a lecturer at the Masjid-e-Haram by the Sheikh-ul-Ulama Sheikh Ahmad Dahlan As-Shafiee. Kairanawi started teaching and realized that lessons were delivered as sermons, rather than planned academic lectures. He gathered some of the Indian Muslim immigrants, wealthy benefactors to establish an authentic Islamic Law School to teach the Islamic sciences through a sound curriculum. He established the Madrassah in 1290 hijrah corresponding to 1874 A.D. The major contributor was a lady of Calcutta by the name of Sawlat-un-Nisa, on whose name the Madrassah is named. The Madrassah is still in existence and associated to Deobandi school of law and has well-known alumni around the world. The Book naming Izhar ul-Haqq written by the founder of the Madrasah Ramatullah Kairanawi was the main reason behind Ahmed Deedat's active interest in debates on Christianity.
Of the well known sources the Madrasah was founded by the Eminent Sheikh Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki Rahmatullahi Alayh and the donation was given by the said honorable lady who was a student of the Great Sheikh. Muhammad Ishaq of Bengal was an alumnus of this school.