Macarena Olona Choclán

Macarena Olona Choclán, is a Spanish politician and state attorney, member of the Congress of Deputies since 2019 for Vox.
Born in Alicante, Olona graduated in Laws for the University of Alicante in 2003 with extraordinary prize and entered the State Lawyers Corps in 2009. Between 2013 and 2018 she was chief lawyer of the State of the Basque Country. Transferred to the Mercasa general secretary in August 2017, the following year she collaborated in uncovering the Mercasa case that involved PP and PSOE in the payment of millionaire bites and cost overruns of more than 300% in foreign contracts.
In the April 2019 elections was elected Deputy and re-elected in the November 2019 election, representing in both cases the Province of Granada.
On 12 March 2020 during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it was confirmed she had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.