Mac Beathaidh mac Ainmire

Mac Beathaidh mac Ainmire, Irish poet and Chief Ollam of Ireland, died in 1041.
His obit is given in the Annals of the Four Masters as follows- “M1041.4 Mac Beathaidh, son of Ainmire, chief poet of Ard-Macha, and of Ireland in general, died.”
His obit is given in the Annals of Ulster as follows- “U1041.2 Bethad son of Ainmire, chief ollav of Ard Macha and Ireland as well, died.”
His obit is given in the Annals of Loch Cé as follows- “LC1041.2 Mac Bethaidh, son of Bethadh, son of Ainmire, chief poet of Ard-Macha, and likewise of Erinn, died.”
His obit is given in the Annals of Tigernach as follows- "T1041.6 Mac Ainmere aird-bretheam Aird Macha & tuile eolais Erenn obít. .”