Małgorzata Dzieduszycka-Ziemilska

Małgorzata Maria Dzieduszycka-Ziemilska is a Polish publicist, theater critic and the Consul General in Montreal from 1992 to 1996.
She graduated from Polish Studies at the University of Wrocław. Her master's thesis about the Theater of Jerzy Grotowski appeared in print and was the first book about Grotowski published in Poland.
In the years 1974–1981, a collaborator of :pl:Inspekcja Transportu Drogowego|ITD, :pl:Kultura_|Kultura, :pl:Polityka_|Polityka and :pl:Dialog_|Dialog. In the years 1981–1990 she was the head of the :pl:Teatr_Kalambur|literary theater "Kalambur" in Wrocław and the :pl:Teatr_Studio_im._Stanis%C5%82awa_Ignacego_Witkiewicza|"Studio" Theater in Warsaw. She ran a foreign department in the magazine :pl:Teatr_|Teatr. She was the organizer of international avant-garde theater festivals in Wrocław.
In 1990, she was appointed as an adviser to the Minister of Culture and became the representative of Poland in the Council of Europe's Culture Committee, as well as the general secretary of the Polish branch of the European Culture Foundation. In 1992, she was appointed Consul General in Montreal, where she held this position until autumn 1996.
She was the co-founder of the Polish-Canadian Committee for Dialogue, focusing on Polish-Jewish cooperation. From 2000 to 2003 she was a permanent representative of the Republic of Poland to UNESCO in Paris. Member of the Polish Committee for UNESCO.
She has two sons: Wojciech and Paweł with her husband, Andrzej Ziemilski. She comes from a family that used to wear the coat of arms of :pl:Sas_|Sas.
She translated the book "" by Eli Rubenstein into Polish. The book is a compilation of images and reflections, from the Holocaust survivors and students who participated in the March of the Living. Along with Canadian writer, Irene Tomaszewski, she was very instrumental in encouraging contact and dialogue between Jewish students and Polish students during the annual March of the Living program.
