MUSS (countermeasure)

MUltifunctional Self protection System is a soft kill active protection system developed to protect military vehicles against guided anti-tank missiles.


MUSS was developed by EADS, Buck and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann. Before September 2003, it was tested on a Leopard 2 tank by the German Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung.
The new German Puma infantry fighting vehicle will be equipped with MUSS, after EADS was awarded a contract in 2006.
In July 2016, the UK's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory placed a £7.6 million contract with QinetiQ to evaluate the MUSS system for armoured vehicles, particularly the Challenger 2.


MUSS consists of three main elements: the sensors, consisting of laser warner and a missile warner using ultraviolet sensors, the computer, and the electronic or pyrotechnic countermeasures. When the sensors detect an incoming missile or a laser beam aimed at the vehicle, the computer activates the countermeasures. MUSS offers 360° protection with elevation up to 70° and can handle up to four threats at once.
The whole system has a weight of 65 to 160 kg.