MTV Movie Award for Best Action Sequence

The following is a list of the MTV Movie Award winners and nominees for Best Action Sequence. This award was last given out in 2005.
YearAction scene
1992L.A. freeway scene
Burning building/Escape through old tunnel - Backdraft
Roof scene - The Hard Way
Helicopter blades sequence - The Last Boy Scout
Second jump from the plane - Point Break
1993Mel Gibson's motorcycle crash
Lethal Weapon 3
Aliens chase through tunnel - Alien 3
Plane crash - Alive
Oklahoma land race - Far and Away
Helicopter explosion - Under Siege
1994Train wreck
The Fugitive
Opening catwalk sequence - Cliffhanger
Motorcycle scene - Hard Target
T-Rex/Jeep scene - Jurassic Park
Lena Olin handcuffed in backseat of a car - Romeo is Bleeding
1995Bus escape/Airplane explosion
Escape from exploding ship - Blown Away
Ambush of CIA convoy - Clear and Present Danger
Bridge explosion/Limo rescue - True Lies
1996Battle scene
Airplane hangar shootout - Bad Boys
Underground shootout/explosion - Broken Arrow
Drive through NYC/Subway explosion and derailment - Die Hard with a Vengeance
1997Truck drives through farm equipment
Arnold Schwarzenegger freefalls - Eraser
Aliens blowup cities - Independence Day
Train/Helicopter chase - '
Ferrari chase through San Francisco - The Rock
1998Speedboat chase
T-Rex attacks San Diego - '
Bug attacks fortress - Starship Troopers
Ship sinks - Titanic
Motorcycle/helicopter chase - Tomorrow Never Dies
1999Asteroid destroys New York City
Gibson/Glover car chase on freeway and through building - Lethal Weapon 4
Car chase in France with Robert De Niro pursuing Natascha McElhone - Ronin
Tom Hanks and company land on Normandy Beach - Saving Private Ryan
2000The Pod Race
End sequence -The Blair Witch Project
Rooftop/Helicopter scene - The Matrix
Sand monster scene - The Mummy
2001Motorcycle chase
Plane crash - Cast Away
Roman army vs. Germanic horde - Gladiator
Car chase through construction site - Gone in 60 Seconds
2002Japanese attack scene
Pearl Harbor
First helicopter crash - Black Hawk Down
Final race - The Fast and the Furious
Cave tomb battle - '
2003Battle for Helm's Deep
Collision on Highway 23 - Final Destination 2
The Escape - Minority Report
Arena Conflict - '
2004Battle at Gondor
Intercoastal Freeway Pursuit - Bad Boys II
Escape from Mongolia - '
Champion Crane Chase - '
2005Destruction of Los Angeles
The Day After Tomorrow
Beverly Hills plane crash - The Aviator
Moscow car chase - The Bourne Supremacy
Subway battle - Spider-Man 2
Desert Terrorist Assault - '