
MT103 is a SWIFT payment message type/format used for cash transfer specifically for cross border/international wire transfer.

MT103 fields

Below are the fields of an MT103 message. These fields are referred to as tags.
20Transaction reference number
23BBank operation code
32AValue date / currency / interbank settled
33BCurrency / original ordered amount
50A, F or KOrdering customer or address of the remitter.
52A or DOrdering institution
53A, B or DSender's correspondent
54A, B or DReceiver's correspondent
56A, C or DIntermediary
57A, B, C or DAccount with institution
59 or 59ABeneficiary 4x35
70Remittance information
71ADetails of charges
72Sender to receiver information
77BRegulatory reporting

In the above table, tags 52, 53, 54, 56, and 57 preferably contain ISO 9362 Business Identifier Codes, whereas tags 50 and 59 preferably contain an account number or a BIC.
As per SWIFT standards, the account number is to be in IBAN format or in BBAN format.