
MK-2206 is a drug candidate being investigated to help treat cancer. Its chemical formula is C25H21N5O. It acts as an allosteric AKT inhibitor.
It is a highly selective inhibitor of pan-Akt, namely, of all three Akt isoforms Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3.
It is intended to be used with other cancer therapies that advanced tumours may become resistant to.

Clinical trials

2011: A phase 1 clinical trial of MK-2206 alone has reported it was well tolerated.
2014: A phase 1 clinical trial of MK-2206 with a variety of other agents in 72 patients with advanced cancer reported acceptable side-effects.
2016: MK-2206 is one of the treatments in the I-SPY2 Adaptive clinical trial for breast cancer that had been selected for later stage trials.
31 phase II clinical trials are registered, many completed. e.g. in colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and many others.