MIM – Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille

MIM is a multidisciplinary group. It was founded in 1984 by the French composer and musicologist Marcel Frémiot who wanted to create in Marseille a tool for reflection on music and contemporary musical practices.
In 1991, a new research program is developed, with François Delalande as research director on problematics of the musical time, a program born of the concern of composers faced with the difficulties approach and reception of contemporary music.
This research work will generate a new musical analysis tool called UST. In this year, the French composer :fr:Michel Philippot|Michel Philippot becomes president of MIM.
Thereafter, the MIM will develop around the concept of UST a lot of collaborations with research structures musical or not. For example, with the Electronic Music Foundation, , the , the , the , the association "Mots-voir", the laboratory .