Munich Harras station

München Harras is a railway and Munich U-Bahn interchange station. It is located in the Harras area of the borough of Sendling. It serves as an important transportation hub for the borough, providing interchange between U-Bahn, S-Bahn, local bus services as well as limited regional railway services on the Bayerische Oberlandbahn main line. The S-Bahn station is located down the road from the U-Bahn station, necessitating a short walk along Albert-Roßhaupter-Straße. Both the U-Bahn station and the S-Bahn station have access for the disabled.


The station is named after a large road intersection, Am Harras, where Albert-Roßhaupter-Straße and Plinganserstraße meet. Before the rise of local buses, Am Harras used to be an important tramway interchange station, servicing lines 6 and 8. Evidence of this can still be found, as many of the tramway lanes have been converted to bus lanes. Plinganserstraße, running south from Harras, boasts a large green patch dividing the north-south lanes, where the former tramway used to run.

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