Máel Fithrich mac Áedo

Máel Fithrich mac Áedo was a King of Ailech and head of the Cenél nEógain branch of the northern Uí Néill. He was the son of the high king of Ireland Áed Uaridnach. He ruled in Ailech from 628 to 630.
The branch of the Cenél nEógain that he belonged to was called the Cenél maic Ercae and they had dominated the kingship of Ailech until the reign of his predecessor Suibne Menn of the Cenél Feradaig branch. In 630 these two branches of the family clashed at the Battle of Leitheirbe and Máel Fithrich was slain fighting against Suibne's brother Ernaine mac Fiachnai. The Cenél Feradaig branch then dominated the kingship for most of the 7th century.
His son Máel Dúin mac Máele Fithrich was also a King of Ailech.