
The Lyutenge is a river in the Sakha Republic, Russia. It is a right tributary of the Lena and has a length of.
There are unusual rock formations by the river, the Turuuk Khaya Rocks, a protected area.


The river begins in the Byldanyany Lake, a small lake with a surface of located in the Lena Plateau. Its upper course is in the southern part of Khangalassky District close to the A360 Lena Highway, not far from Aldan District. It flows roughly southeastwards. The Lyutenge meets the right bank of the Lena by Kerdyom village, opposite the town of Pokrovsk and from the Lena's mouth.
The Lyutenge River freezes between October and May. The main tributaries of the Lyutenge are the Kuon Kachah, Berdigasteheh, Kedige, Kuraanakh, Eselaheh and Kuuduman.