Lyubomir Ivanov (explorer)

Lyubomir Ivanov is a Bulgarian scientist, non-governmental activist, and Antarctic explorer. He is a graduate of the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia with M.S. degree in Mathematics in 1977, earned his PhD from Sofia University in 1980 under the direction of Dimiter Skordev, with a dissertation entitled Iterative Operative Spaces, and was the 1987 winner of Acad. Nikola Obreshkov Prize, the highest Bulgarian award in mathematics.

Academic and NGO work

Appointed head of the Department of Mathematical Logic at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1990, Dr Ivanov has since helped found the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria, in which he held the position of chairman from 2001 to 2009. In 1994 he founded the Manfred Wörner Foundation, an organisation dedicated to trans-atlantic co-operation. Member of the Streit Council Advisory Board, Washington, DC since 2006. Founding Chairman, Antarctic Place-names Commission since 1994. He authored the modern Bulgarian system for Romanization of Cyrillic alphabet, adopted also for official use both by UN, and by the USA and UK.
In the course of his work for, among others, the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria, Dr Ivanov has given interviews to various news outlets, at times espousing views that NATO must expand eastwards due to a deficit in its military capacity.

Political career

Ivanov was a member of the UDF Coordinating Council and took part in the 1990 Bulgarian Round Table Talks. He served as a Member of Parliament in Bulgaria, acting as Chairman of the Green Party parliamentary group, and co-authored the current Constitution of Bulgaria. He has also served as parliamentary secretary for the Bulgarian ministry of foreign affairs.

Antarctic Expeditions

Dr Ivanov has taken part in several Antarctic expeditions. In 2004, Ivanov went with Doychin Vasilev on the Tangra 2004 topographic expedition, noted by Discovery Channel, the Natural History Museum, the Royal Collection and the British Antarctic Survey as a timeline event in Antarctic exploration.

Principal publications