Lyot (lunar crater)

Lyot is a large lunar impact crater that is located along the southeastern limb of the Moon. It lies within the irregular and patchy lunar mare named Mare Australe, and to the south of the crater Hamilton. Due to its location, this formation is viewed at a low angle from the Earth, and its visibility is affected by libration.
The interior floor of this crater has been resurfaced by lava, leaving a dark interior with an albedo that matches the surrounding mare. The outer rim is low and heavily worn, with a perimeter that forms a somewhat distorted circle. The southwest part of the floor and rim is marked by several small, bowl-shaped craters. There is also the remains of a ghost crater to the east of the crater midpoint.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Lyot.
A49. S79.6° E38 km
B50.4° S82.2° E9 km
C50.4° S80.4° E17 km
D51.6° S82.2° E14 km
E52.0° S82.9° E13 km
F52. S82. E21 km
H51.4° S78.2° E63 km
L54.4° S83.1° E70 km
M53.3° S86.2° E24 km
N52.8° S83.4° E12 km
P47.7° S85.0° E13 km
R46.1° S87.6° E30 km
S46.0° S85.6° E26 km
T46.8° S78.6° E8 km