Lyman continuum photons

Lyman continuum photons, shortened to Ly continuum photons or Lyc photon, are the photons emitted from stars at photon energies above the Lyman limit. Hydrogen is ionized by absorbing LyC. Working from Victor Schumann's discovery of ultraviolet light, from 1906 to 1914, Theodore Lyman observed that atomic hydrogen absorbs light only at specific frequencies and the Lyman series is thus named after him. All the wavelengths in the Lyman series are in the ultraviolet band. This quantized absorption behavior occurs only up to an energy limit, known as the ionization energy. In the case of neutral atomic hydrogen, the minimum ionization energy is equal to the Lyman limit, where the photon has enough energy to completely ionize the atom, resulting in a free proton and a free electron. Above this energy, all wavelengths of light may be absorbed. This forms a continuum in the energy spectrum; the spectrum is continuous rather than composed of many discrete lines, which are seen at lower energies.
The Lyman limit is at the wavelength of 91.2 nm, corresponding to a frequency of 3.29 million GHz and a photon energy of 13.6 eV. LyC energies are mostly in the ultraviolet C portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Although X-rays and gamma-rays will also ionize a hydrogen atom, there are far fewer of them emitted from a star's photosphere—LyC are predominantly UV-C. The photon absorption process leading to the ionization of atomic hydrogen can occur in reverse: an electron and a proton can collide and form atomic hydrogen. If the two particles were traveling slowly, then the photon the atom emits upon its creation will theoretically be 13.6 eV. At faster speeds, the excess energy is radiated as photons of lower wavelength. Therefore, photons with energies above 13.6 eV are emitted by the combination of energetic protons and electrons forming atomic hydrogen, and emission from photoionized hydrogen.