Lygaeus kalmii

Lygaeus kalmii, known generally as the small milkweed bug or common milkweed bug, is a species of seed bug in the family Lygaeidae. It is found in Central America and North America.


These two subspecies belong to the species Lygaeus kalmii:
Lygaeus kalmii angustomarginatus, or the eastern small milkweed bug, has all black wings. Lygaeus kalmii kalmii has white spots on its wings.

Distribution and Reproduction

Lygaeus kalmii angustomarginatus is found in north temperate regions of North America and is not a migratory insect. Only adults overwinter and they do not begin reproduction until the following April. Females are receptive to males in all seasons.


Small milkweed bugs' primary sources of nutrients are flower nectar and milkweed seeds. If these food sources are limited, they may feed on other insects.