Lure of Ambition

Lure of Ambition is a 1919 American silent drama film directed by Edmund Lawrence, and starring Theda Bara.


Olga Dolan is a poor young woman working as a public stenographer at a hotel in New York. She allures Cyril Ralston, a nobleman, and starts to have a romantic relationship with him. Ralston promises Olga that they will get married soon. However, he returns to England leaving Olga. After being deceived by Ralston, Olga vows revenge. She goes to England and begins working as a secretary to Lady Constance Bromley. Later, Olga finds out that Ralston is Bromley's son and that he is a married man. Although Ralston still pursues her, Olga becomes interested in another nobleman, Duke of Ruthledge, and eventually becomes his private secretary impressing him. After the Duke's wife died due to heart attack caused by jealousy, there is no obstacle for Olga to marry the duke.
