Lungteh Shipbuilding

Lungteh Shipbuilding is a Taiwanese ship and boat builder headquartered in Yilan County.


Lungteh was established in 1979.
In 2018 Lungteh won a contract to produce eleven Tuo Chiang Block II corvette and four minelayers for the Taiwanese Navy.
Lungteh exhibited at IDEX in 2019 alongside other Taiwanese defense companies.
On May 24, 2019 Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen visited Lungteh to highlight the mass production of the Tuo Chiang Block II corvette, dubbed a carrier killer by the press. She gave a speech about asymmetrically countering China’s military with smart military procurement and technological innovation.


Lungteh has five production facilities in Yilan county and offices in Taipei and Singapore.
Lungteh has produced fast ferries, wind farm supply vessels, coastal patrol craft, high speed special forces craft, fireboats, and pilot boats.
Lungteh is a partner in producing the Multipurpose Assault Craft series of combat boats for the Philippine Navy. The series had four variants as of 2018.