Luca Segantini

Since March 2019, Luca Segantini is Chief Executive Officer of the - ESOT, a not-for-profit organization incorporated in The Netherlands. ESOT is the umbrella organisation under which all European transplant activities are organised. ESOT cooperates with many other organisations to structure and streamline transplant activities in Europe.
From 2009 to 2018, Luca Segantini was executive director of the International Society of Nephrology, a global organization providing tailored kidney education and to bridge gaps in access to ethical and equitable kidney care.
As part of the ISN mission, Segantini was a member of the World Kidney Day Steering Committee. World Kidney Day is a global campaign to raise awareness about kidney health. Since 2012, Segantini was also managing director of World Kidney Fund, a Belgian private foundation engaged in fundraising to improve kidney care worldwide by supporting the International Society of Nephrology's philanthropic programs.