Luc Rombouts

Luc Rombouts a Belgian carillonneur, is the city carillonneur of Tienen in Flemish Brabant. He is also the official carillonneur of both Leuven university carillons and the Abdij van Park. He has given numerous concerts in Europe en the USA and appeared in festivals and conventions. Together with carillonneur Twan Bearda he performs in a carillon duet called The Bells' Angels, exploring, expanding and performing four hand carillon repertoire.


In 2010, Luc Rombouts published a reference book on the origins and development of the art of carillon playing, for which he was awarded the Golden Label from Klassiek Centraal and the in 2011 from the for his cultural achievements.
In 2014, Rombouts published the English translation of this book under the title Singing Bronze.