Lowndes County School District (Mississippi)

The Lowndes County School District is a public school district based in Lowndes County, Mississippi.
The district serves the towns of Caledonia, Crawford, and Artesia, the community of New Hope, and most rural areas in Lowndes County.


High Schools (Grades 912)

200607 school year

There were a total of 5,502 students enrolled in the Lowndes County School District during the 20062007 school year. The gender makeup of the district was 49% female and 51% male. The racial makeup of the district was 38.99% African American, 59.52% White, 0.91% Hispanic, 0.47% Asian, and 0.11% Native American. 44.0% of the district's students were eligible to receive free lunch.

Previous school years

Accountability statistics