Lovin' Scoopful

Lovin' Scoopful is a private company categorized under Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts-Distributors, located in Seattle, Washington. Founded in February, 2008, Lovin' Scoopful donates 25% of its profits to the Special Olympics International. This churned light ice cream focuses in an all-natural base product that comes from the milk and cream of cows not treated with the cow growth hormone, rBST.


Lovin' Scoopful is a socio-friendly company founded by Daniel H. Samson, Angelo Moratti, Maria Shriver and Timothy P. Shriver, and they are the four principal architects of Lovin’ Scoopful LLC. The Kennedy family has had a long commitment to the developmentally disabled community. The late Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Maria's mother, was the advocate and founder of the Special Olympics in 1962, where it started as a summer day camp in her backyard.

Product and Flavors

Lovin’ Scoopful is a churned light premium ice cream composed of half the fat of full fat premium ice cream
This brand has a line up of thirteen flavors that include:
Lovin’ Scoopful launched its product on February 11, 2008 in Seattle, Washington. This brand began as a regional ice cream servicing Northern California and the Canada–US border on the northern edge of the state of Washington, and it can now can be found in most western states and has expanded eastward, available now in thirteen different flavors.