Love Sick: The Series

Love Sick: The Series, is a Thai television series aired by Channel 9 since 2014. It is an adaptation of the original Thai Boys Love novel Love Sick: The Chaotic Lives of Blue Shorts Guys written by INDRYTIMES. The series stars Chonlathorn Kongyingyong, Nawat Phumphothingam, Luangsodsai Anupart, Chindavanich Primrose, Charnmanoon Pannin and Vachiravit Paisarnkulwong.
The first season aired in Thailand on July 6, 2014 and ended on September 21st, 2014. A second season was ordered to air in 2015 with 36 episodes, up from the 12 episodes in the first season. In April 2019, the main characters, Noh and Phun appeared in the 3-part miniseries, Reminders.

Plot Summary

Season 1 (2014)

Lovesick The Series explores the experiences of students attending an all-male college called Friday College. The series centers on the budding love story between Noh, the President of Friday College's Music Club, and Phun, the Vice-President of Friday College's Student Council.
Phun has a dilemma: despite having a girlfriend, his father insists on him dating the daughter of one of his friends. Phun decides to get his little sister, Pang, to help him convince their father to change his mind. Pang is obsessed with boy's love novels, so Phun comes up with a plan to win her support. He decides to convince Pang that he has a boyfriend.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Noh discovers that his music club's budget is short, and they need money to purchase new drums. Noh rushes to the student council in search of help and finds Phun, the vice-president of the student council. He lays out his case and Phun decides he has found the perfect candidate for his plan.
Phun asks Noh to be his fake boyfriend in exchange for help with his Music Club budget. Noh is unwilling at first, but when he shows up at Phun's house, the plan goes as Phun intended and Pang is convinced they are a couple. She agrees to help Phun with their father. Through the first season, the story revolves around the many adventures Noh and Phun encounter. Their relationship changes through these experiences and eventually, the two 17-year-old boys fall in love with each other.
Supporting Phun and Noh's story are:
Season 1 of Love Sick the Series ends with Phun and Noh deciding to step back from each other for the sake of their two girlfriends, who they don't want to hurt with their affair.

Season 2 (2015)

The second season of Love Sick the Series starts with Noh and Phun deciding to be just friends. They both focus on prepping for Friday College's major soccer game event while keeping their relationship platonic. When the game ends, Noh, Phun, and their friends celebrate their win at a restaurant where Noh gets to meet Golf, a former student at Friday College.
Golf tells Noh about a disturbing indiscretion involving Aim, Phun's girlfriend. Golf asks Noh to tell his friend, Phun, about Aim's indiscretion, as it was the right thing to do as Phun's friend. Noh struggles with this information, and drinks too much ending up at Phun's house, farther confirming his relationship with Phun to Pang and her friends. Aim and Yuri then invite Phun and Noh on a couple vacation to Hua Hin in order to spend time together. During a quiet moment at Hua Hin, Noh is faced with evidence of Aim's indiscretion, confirming Golf's claims. Noh then starts worrying on how he will tell Phun the truth about his girlfriend without hurting him.
When Noh's friends throw an impromptu party at Noh's house, Phun shows up and accidentally stumbles on the evidence from Golf showing Aim's secret. Phun runs off, struggling to deal with Aim's betrayal, and Noh hurries to Phun's side, vowing to support him through the following hard time. Phun and Aim's relationship comes to an end soon after.
Phun and Noh keep their relationship status as friends for a while, until Noh's band performs at an Open House Event at the Girl's convent school. When most of the girls work to win Noh's heart, Phun decides to confess his feelings and asks Noh to be his boyfriend. They keep their relationship a secret, as Noh is not ready to let everyone know the nature of their relationship. Their secret relationship leads them into multiple misunderstandings with their friends and Noh's girlfriend, Yuri.
To end the fights and the hurt, Noh confesses his feelings to Phun, and decides to end his ambiguous relationship with Yuri. The day after Noh talks to Yuri, she witnesses an intimate scene between Phun and Noh that confirms Noh's feelings for Phun. Not being able to accept the truth, Yuri distances herself from Noh, which causes him great hurt.
Noh and Phun then navigate through the experiences of coming out as a gay couple to their friends, dealing with prejudices and in the case of Jeed, potential ostracization. The series comes to an end with Noh and Phun finally finding a balance and an acceptance of each other's experiences and feelings. They vow to stay together for as long as they can.


Series Information

The twelve episodes of Love Sick the Series first season were made available on Netflix early 2018.
Captain Chonlathorn and White Nawat then appeared in the short omnibus series aired on Line TV, titled Reminders: Because I Miss You as Noh and Phun in April 2019. In Reminders, Noh and Phun are in university and still together. Reminders explores their struggle to make time for each other despite the demands of their classes, and a new social environment.

Season 1

Season 2


Here are the songs in this drama:

Track listing